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Friday, February 22, 2008

SVU on the diabetes prowl again

Yet again, Law and Order SVU is using diabetes in there storyline. This time the perp had such bad sugar control that he lost 3 fingers. Just thought everyone should know.

Thinking of forming PETROD - People for the Ethical Representation of Diabetics. Has a nice ring.

By the way: one of the other assistant coaches and I are tyring to fundraise at Lafayette College. We are holding a 3 on 3 charity basketball tournament for the benefit of dystonia and diabetes. The website is


Dan said...

In some cases, i think that the protrayal is a bad thing, but in many cases, it can also be a good thing. You want to portray diabetics with a "healthy" and "successful" image, however as we know, that is not the case for most diabetics. Some people need a "wakeup call" when it comes to taking care of their own disease. I would guess that the person missing 3 fingers is not the most "in shape" person and is being accurately portrayed as an out of shape, out of controll, unhealthy, poorly managed diabetic. As long as the side effect of diabetes is portrayed accurately as compared to the person's lifestyle and disease management, I dont see a problem with it.

Big Mike said...

yes, the portrayal may be medically accurate (for those who take zero care of themselves), but it also creates an erroneous notion that perhaps no diabetic knows how to take care of their condition. and simply put that's not true. sure you can lose fingers - even limbs, but you can also live a normal life. yes, many of the portrayals are of type 2 diabetics (and if we are going to be making poor generalizations then should i be able to say most type 1 diabetics don't need as much of a wake up as type 2s?) it seems too much like a scare tactic to me. some people are going to be more prepositioned to the disease (certainly in type 2 cases), but that doesn't mean to show it - consistently - in the worst light possible - especially when the disease often has NO use to the show's storyline.

and for jokingly placed blog, i love how much discussion this is stirring up. it does get you thinking.

why not lose the scare, and wake up people to the notion that diabetics can actually lead a good life (and not wander around a malajusted, criminal who 's minus several digits).