This past weekend was the inaugural Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Walk to Cure in Volusia County (Florida, that is). Must give the proper respect to my employer Embry-Riddle University for hosting the walk, and to all of the sponsors of the event for generously giving, especially in the current economic climate. Over 300 people came out to get a little 5K exercise, and the goal of the walk is just within reach - that would be 40K in USDs.
Team diabeteshappens, though smaller than last year when we over took NYC, made the trek out to Daytona Beach to spread the gospel of a positive outlook on diabetes.
April cometh soon, so be prepared for another JMA installment shortly.
Sometimes you need to be reminded that life with diabetes is still just life, and that you need to enjoy the moment of things. There's no need to fuss and worry all the time - and March Madness is the perfect time for that. Today starting at 12:00 PM I will be parked in front of a TV watching the Big East Tournament at MSG. Got to go to the Semifinals last year, and it's by far the best conference tourney around. The Big Apple. The biggest conference.
Major shout out to my boy Andy Toole the Associate Head Coach at Robert Morris University. I coached with Andy for a year, stellar dude, and they just won the NEC tournament and are headed to the Big Dance. See the highlights from above. No lower than a 13 seed for Bobby Mo.
We here at diabeteshappens apologize for not being consistent with our up-keep of the blog lately. Things are changing, it's just taken us a little bit to get used to our new schedules. Tyler is in the editing room making things happen on his film - which may or may not be an allegorical tale about life with the 'betes. I've been scrambling trying to make the atmosphere at Embry-Riddle athletic contests the best it can be. Between the two of us I feel pretty certain that we've been working or schooling almost 140 hours out of the week. Doesn't leave a whole lot of time for DH, but we know it's important to a lot of you our there, and it's definitely important to us. And a big thank you to Chris Yost our field reporter who's been in Seattle reporting on his life with diabetes.
Look for some updates to the website soon and stay posted on the DH blog. We'll get ourselves in a rhythm. For the moment, here's a long lost JMA Motivational Moment from way back in January that I don't believe ever got posted. We hope it suits your fancy.
Be sure to check below for JMA's March Motivational Moment. It's good. Scary good. He might just motivate your blood sugars to drop by listening to his voice (not that we recommend you drop the insulin habit for the sultry sounds of JMA).
We've got your news source right here. Check out any of the following links to see what's happening with President Obama's lift on federally funded institutions and stem cell research. As diabetics we should be aware of what's happening in the world that can affect our lives.
JMA is back in the house trying to make us all better diabetics. Do it. Congrats to Carrie Myers in the ATL for giving birth to a hopeful new diabetic. We'll work on the onesies.