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Thursday, April 10, 2008

And to continue on with the health care discussion a few posts down, Tyler and I have come across a website: They seem to have a great self awareness, and a great outlook on how to live and manage.

The creator Christopher Thomas and original diabetic rockstar, has also started a non profit called Fight It! (website should be up soon) which raises money for uninsured diabetics. A great cause. Please check it out.


welcome to the family angelina

So it's been a while since this was announced, and I for one would like to apologize for not posting on this sooner. But in case you didn't know, Angelina Jolie, while carry Brad Pitt's child (yes, not adopting again) has gestational diabetes.

Unfortunately at first, according Mrs Branjelina her publicist she was "trying to keep in under wraps." Though she has been "seeing a nutritionist about it," making sure that she's eating right for the twins she's carrying.

For all your pregnant star news check here.

Going to have to come up with a Brangelina diabeteshappens shirt. Got any ideas, please share.